SupaCarb Filters
Amazon Filters SupaCarb cartridges contain activated carbon that provide effective removal of contaminants in a clean and easy to use format.
We offer products with sintered block or rolled felt activated carbon, in standard cartridge format or as large diameter, high capacity versions. Typical applications include chlorine removal and decolourisation.
Activated carbon is commonly used for the removal of chlorine, heavy metals, low molecular weight coloured impurities, reduction of odours and for the capture of catalysts by the Pharmaceutical, Beverage and Chemical industries. Using loose activated carbon powder presents many operational challenges due to concerns about Health and Safety and plant cleanliness. To help users overcome these problems Amazon Filters supplies cartridges containing immobilised activated carbon that provides effective removal of contaminants in a clean and easy to use format.
We also supply an oil/hydrocarbon removal filter - SupaSorb for use in clean up applications.
Click the images below for further information or contact us to discuss your filter application and to arrange a visit of one of our qualified sales engineers.